Tuesday, October 1, 2019

My First Day

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint

     I grew up during a time when we did not have the internet and cell phones.  It was not until the end of my college years that the internet and cell phones became common place.  I am a not a digital native like the students I teach, however I am a digital immigrant.  I have had to learn to use technology later in life than those who grew up with the internet and cell phones.  As a curious person who loves to learn, I was quickly taken in by the new and upcoming technologies.

     As social media came into the picture, I quickly learned that there are some things I simply do not want others to know.  I also realized that not everything on the internet is true or safe for that matter. Some of the precautions I have learned to take are first and foremost to never post anything I would not want my grandmother to know.  Secondly, there are sites that will confirm whether or not information that is on the internet is true.  Have you ever heard of snopes? How do you keep safe on the internet?